Bill had some very good news to relay, in a Mother’s Day email and on The Stratosphere Lounge: He’s managed to add enough new members to keep the lights on and continue producing “Right Angle” episodes with Steve Green and Scott Ott. I allowed myself to be cautiously optimistic, but wasn’t sure they’d be able to pull it off. Many thanks to those who’ve made the continuation of this trio’s great work possible!

Those who’ve been stopping by here for a while know I’ve been a big fan and enthusiastic promoter of Bill’s extraordinary work, since the days of Eject! Eject! Eject! and Bill’s magnificent Silent America essays in particular. I highly recommend heading over to or catching a Stratosphere Lounge episode to check out Bill’s latest. (In addition to the [almost] weekly live show on Ustream, there are past episodes on Bill’s YouTube channel.)