Among the seemingly sparse ranks of contemporary feminists who’ve dared to raise a warning lantern regarding the deeply antiliberal tendencies of Islamic fundamentalism, it was not that long ago we lost Oriana Fallaci to cancer. (Additional tributes at neo-neocon and The Economist (login required).)
Now Pamela Bone has passed on. I linked a truly remarkable article she wrote for The Australian back in August of 2006 (Muslim sisters need our help). If what I saw therein was at all typical of her work, what a great loss her death will be for the cause of freedom.
There’s an obituary for Pamela in The Australian.
Aptly put in 2003; applies just as well in 2008.
At Instapundit:
“A PROVOCATIVE MASKED BALL SET IN THE RUINS OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER:” They do this because they know we won’t behead them. Such is the bravery of artists.
I declare the Marshall Plan a failure. Bring our troops home from Europe now!
A noteworthy quote that popped up earlier this week in the “Daisy Tracker” Dashboard widget that I keep on my Macs… It’s attributed to self-help guru Tony Robbins, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt if you’re not a big fan of his “awaken the giant within” schtick, but I think there’s a solid core of essential truth to it:
If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.
…which paraphrases a similar maxim that I’ve always found to ring true:
The definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior and expecting a different result.
A cursory search didn’t turn up a clearly correct attribution for the latter, but it sure strikes me as a deep and important truth. We tend to get stuck in our comfortable behaviors more than we’re aware of, only rarely coming to realize that some of them may be the very cause of frustrations we repeatedly encounter. It’s well to remember, and probably shouldn’t be surprising, that getting to a different, desired result is likely to require a change in approach — sometimes even one that calls for a daunting departure from our comfortable habits.
OK, this is pretty hilarious:
TO DEMONSTRATE A DEPRESSION IN 2008, The Independent ran a picture from 2005.
Is this supposed to fall under the heading of “fake but accurate”?
By ratting out their former Al Qaeda tormentors, apparently. Cool. At GayPatriot via Instapundit.