reflections of a pragmatic optimist, lover of freedom

Category: Election 2008 (Page 7 of 9)

Ah, Spam…

One of the funnier bits of spam I’ve received in a while:

Lindsay Lohan Flashes Her Breast

Barack Obama Wins Ku Klux Klan Endorsement

Come for the peepshow, stay for the post-racial “Kumbaya” singalong!

Eric Raymond on Patriotism and its Discontents

Some interesting thoughts regarding patriotism from Eric Raymond. (Hat tip: Instapundit.)

When Intolerance is OK

Jonah Goldberg c/o Instapundit:

The bigotry aimed at the South never ceases to amaze me. Indeed, it is astounding to me how the left tells us we need to understand the nuance of, say, the Jihadi mind in all of its shades of gray, but when it comes to the voting habits of law-abiding white North Carolinians all you need to know is that if a white hand pulls a lever for a Republican politician, that hand must be attached to a racist.

Good News Is Considered No News

…or so it seems, when it comes to Iraq.

More here:

Two years ago, [leading Democrats] were arguing that we should leave Iraq because the war was lost; now they are saying we should leave Iraq because the war is won.”

The more things change…

Michael Yon: “Tour Iraq with me”

Embedded journalist extraordinaire Michael Yon makes an appeal to U.S. Senators (thank you Instapundit):

Whatever we do in Iraq from here forward, we must strive to make better decisions than those made between 2003 and 2006. And one way to achieve that is by making certain that our civilian leaders are fully informed. All three candidates for President are extremely intelligent, but that doesn’t mean that all three are tracking the truth on the ground in Iraq. Anyone who wants to be President of the United States needs to see Iraq without the distorting lenses of the media or partisan politics. I would be honored to visit Iraq with Senator Obama, Senator Clinton, Senator McCain or any of their Senate colleagues.

I hereby offer to accompany any Senator to Iraq, whether they are pro-or anti-war, Democrat or Republican.

The best way to understand what is really going on is to listen closely to a wide range of service members who have done multiple tours in Iraq. Some will be negative, some will be positive, but overall I am certain that the vast majority of multi-tour Iraq veterans will testify that there has been great progress, and now there is hope. Combat veterans don’t tolerate happy talk or wishful thinking. They’ll tell you the raw truth as they see it.

Thankfully, those of us who don’t happen to be Senators can still benefit from the exceptionally deep and detailed Iraq reporting that Michael Yon and Michael Totten continue to provide. If you find their work valuable, as I certainly do, consider hitting their tipjars on your way by.

Proof of Life

A welcome peep from Bill Whittle.

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